As a successful and growing Trust, we provide career progression opportunities for teaching and support staff.

KEY:   ■  Teaching staff      ■  Support staff

  CPD delivered through staff/department meetings/training days. Opportunities for staff to be part of wider school initiatives such as the ACA group.

  TAs are supported to train to become teachers.

■  Outstanding two year programme for ECTs. ECTs supported by subject mentor, and Trust lead for ECT programme. In addition new staff who are not ECTs have a programme of induction sessions.

■  Teachers are supported and encouraged to transition to be Middle Leaders.

■  Middle Leaders are supported and encouraged to transition to be Directors.

  Many of our Middle Leaders and senior staff have been promoted to their positions from within the Trust as opportunities arise.

■  Part time staff are paid to attend Parents Evening / Open Evening where this falls on a day which is not a normal working day.

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