Welcome to South Lincolnshire Academies Trust
The South Lincolnshire Academies Trust (SLAT) is a Multi-Academy Trust which exists to ensure that all those in its care receive the support and challenge they need to do their best. All of our partner academies are local to the area of Lincolnshire, ensuring that they can work effectively together and benefit from each other and the services we offer. We believe a locally based Trust is best placed to meet the needs of our community and we are a partnership of schools working together for mutual benefit.

BOURNE ACADEMY is an oversubscribed non-selective mixed 11-18 secondary school with a vibrant Sixth Form and the founding school in the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust. The school is performing WELL ABOVE national average and is in the top 6% of all schools nationally. Bourne Academy is the top performing non-selective school in the whole of Lincolnshire. In May 2022, Ofsted graded the school as Good with outstanding features.

SPALDING ACADEMY is an oversubscribed non-selective mixed 11-16 secondary school and joined South Lincolnshire Academies Trust in September 2016. The school is performing ABOVE national average and is in the top 10% of all schools nationally. Spalding Academy is in the top four of all non-selective schools in the whole of Lincolnshire. The last Ofsted inspection was in 2019, where the school was graded Good.

GILES ACADEMY is an oversubscribed non-selective mixed 11-16 secondary school and joined South Lincolnshire Academies Trust in September 2020. The school is performing in line with the national average and is in the top 25% of all schools nationally. Giles Academy is in the top eight of all non-selective schools in the whole of Lincolnshire and the top performing non-selective school locally in the Boston & Skegness area. In May 2023, Ofsted graded the school as Good with outstanding features.

Mrs Lucy Conley
Introduction from the SLAT Chief Executive Officer
At the South Lincolnshire Academies Trust, we are responsible for the education and welfare of over 4,500 students within our four schools, aged from 11 to 18. We are proud to provide a high quality, non-selective education for boys and girls within the communities of Bourne, Spalding, Boston and Skegness.
Our commitment is to have high expectations, with a firm, fair code of conduct applied consistently, and understood by students, teachers, parents and carers. We support positive, high profile rewards where students continue to develop good working relationships with their teachers. We are committed to developing the curriculum so that each student achieves their best in all subjects, providing appropriate support for those that need it in order to develop student confidence and self-esteem.